The KAP Diversified Industrial (Pty) Ltd. (HOSAF Division) has reached an agreement with the Bielefeld heat transfer specialist heat 11 GmbH & Co. KG for planning, delivery and commissioning of... read more →
After the liberalization of the Mexican energy market, it is invested heavily in the power plant expansion there. The specialist for high-temperature processes, heat 11 from Bielefeld, Germany, is also... read more →
Founded in 1966, List AG develops efficient methods for the processing of viscous or sticky substances for the chemical industry which require much less or no solvent at all thanks... read more →
heat 11, specialist for industrial process heat, heat transfer and electric power generation from Bielefeld, Germany, has delivered a waste heat boiler of 9 MW for an ORC plant. „The... read more →
heat 11, specialist for industrial process heat, heat transfer and electric power generation from Bielefeld, Germany, has received another major order from Mexico. For a gas power plant of 300... read more →
The Bielefeld specialist for heat transfer and thermal oil applications heat 11 received a major order in March 2014 for the supply of a plant for heating of a crude... read more →
The specialist for industrial process heat, heat transfer and electric power generation, heat 11 from Bielefeld, Germany, has successfully commissioned a plant for the heat supply of two reactors. The... read more →
In spring of this year, heat 11 commissioned a thermal oil plant for temperature control of a hydrogenation plant for medical products. Plant operator is the company H&R Chemisch Pharmazeutische... read more →